Category: newsletters
For years I’ve published a regular newsletter on various platforms like Tinyletter (RIP) Substack (subscribe link) and Patreon (fan link). From 2023 on, I’ll be posting my newsletter here first.
this machine has disabled me
I jest, this is the year I take to wandering the streets calling out the hour and riddles and news, because I can no longer type at machines or rely on this internet to help me access what I need. Part of me is joking and part of me wants to avoid foolishly foretelling my…
Greetings from a long chronic pain flare. This episode of the CM podcast was recorded slowly and painfully over the past 6 months. It features a sample-heavy recording of my essay ROMANCE OF THE COLONY, a news/noise collage ‘remix’ of madam data’s DEAD GENERALS / DOLLAR GENERAL album, and a throwback recording of Raccoona Sheldon’s…
No New Colony
JUST in time for my solar return (June 6, send well wishes, blessings & presents!), I release to you, friend, a luscious new episode for your listening enjoyment, in which I continue to live up to my calling card slogan: SCIFI MAGIC SMUT SURVIVOR MEMOIR. Chapters 0:00 – Orientation2:46 – NO NEW COLONY7:00 – UNDER…
We might have to join the dead, you know
Late January 2023 finds me pulling threads on militarism, militancy, discipline, Mars, and related martial topics along my usual introspective and media-critical prongs of sci-fi, magic, and survivor memoir. Topics covered, tracks sampled, and side quest links are below. Enjoy and thank you for listening. Topics covered military environments – militancy / militarism needing militant…
A long durational constant
Considering the fruits of the past ten years, from the midst of a transiting Mars in Gemini x Mercury in Capricorn retrograde For 2023 I’m going to post my newsletters here on my own URL before crossposting them to my Substack and Patreon mail club accounts. Greetings friend,How have you been? I’m writing to you…
Double Layer Light Compression
Greetings friends :0} It’s a lovely early autumn’s day here in Philly and I’ve got a long listen for you today. A typical mashup of discussion, field recordings, and an original piece of climate survivor fiction—a new All That’s Left story—from yours truly. I hope you like it. I know I call myself a writer…