Category: metropolarity

fiction/essays written with and for Metropolarity crew. You can find the rest of our work at


    BAD USER AGREEMENT, the latest episode of METROPOLARITY‘s Journal of Speculative Vision & Critical Liberation Technologies, is finally here. From conception to publication, this release took a few seasons and is the result of us doing the work according to our capacities and desires, rather than some production minded shit. It was also originally intended…

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  • Soothsaying with METROPOLARITY
    Soothsaying with METROPOLARITY

    Myself, Ras Cutlass, and Rasheedah Phillips of our beloved METROPOLARITY crew were invited to do a show on PhillyCAM (Community Access Media) in Philadelphia. Join Metropolarity for an intimate night of prophecying, sh*t talking, and secret spilling. Your anxieties about the future sent via email/text/social media will be answered on air in between doses of…

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  • Style of Attack Report
    Style of Attack Report

    A self-published jawn by my unrelenting coven, METROPOLARITY, produced in our fourth year. METROPOLARITY is a DIY sci-fi collective based, bred, and tested in the colliding future-present of Philadelphia. This Style of Attack Report contains select work from Metropolarity’s four founding members, who contribute theory, practice, and experience of home grown speculative visioning for both…

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  • Adolescence

      How my heart used to race at the sound of a dial-up connection The beige clack of keyboard. An adolescent body perched on a greasy dining room chair The glow of a desktop screen, resolution 800 x 600. This is where I grew up, in an invisible universe, now imploded.   When I was…

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    Y’all are some fools—I can’t stand this shit. I’m yelling and gnashing my teeth and screeching at them in modified Common to pay attention. But these gentry don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. You know that? Then they get robbed and laughed at and their goddamn feelings hurt cause they wanna talk to…

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