Calendar Dates
First Drafts Due
• November 16th [Friday]
• send to magusmonk @ protonmail . com
• don’t worry about word count
Prompts & Worksheets
Desire Practice [PDF | text]
Anticipated Release & Reading Soiree
• Winter
A Venus Saturn square?
This aspect sometimes means unhealthy sensuality. They are hard, and do not know how to express their emotions. They are frightened of showing their love, and this leads to disappointments, break-ups, lack of satisfaction. It is likely that they had problems with their mother, who did not know how to love them or give them self-confidence. They doubt, are suspicious and jealous. They will learn how to be happy in love, to be at ease with themself and to control their jealousy in the second half of their life, thanks to an older person, who gives their self-confidence back to their, so they can then trust others.
– AstroCafe birthchart reading
Is it possible to write yourself out of a bad situation and into your own fantasies?
VENUS SATURN SQUARE is a project that’s been a long time coming. This is a smut fiction compilation zine & reading series with hopes to center people who find themselves stuck, conflicted, in denial, or self-sabotaging their own desires.
This project is on the lookout for all interested parties who enjoy a nasty freaky embarrassing this-taboo-turns-me-on kind of story. This project is looking for smut that lives between the confines of existing TLGB BDSM canons and trips into the surreal and fantastic. (Fanfiction writers and RPG players, you know the deal.) This project is looking for stories that don’t revolve around climax or penetration. This project is looking for stories that shirk traditions of Western narrative. (But send what you’ve got!!)
Some themes to consider:
predators & prey, watching eyes, harsh mentors, nonhuman bodies, flesh boundaries, fantastic & atemporal circumstances, eroticized physical non/contact such as fights & rituals, long setups & unresolved tensions, other worlds, transformation, loneliness & solitude, etc.

Desire Practice Workshop Series
You’re invited to a series of low pressure workshops, to encourage and create practice space for low-key pervs and shy & uncertain first-timers. We’ll practice thinking about our desires, writing them down, and talking about them with others. Let’s peel back our layers of fear/shame/stigma around expressing our desires out loud, in writing, and practice the art of reading aloud to an audience for your own personal enjoyment. Anyone who attends is encouraged to bring any examples of erotic fiction, poetry, etc along with them.
Saturdays from 2 to 4 PM
3907 Spruce Street, 2nd floor [Upenn “LGBT Center”]
• October 6th
• October 27th
• November 03rd
Shareable Images

(check back for new/updates)
UPDATE 29 AUG 2020: You can now download the premier volume of this zine in reading or booklet form (15 sheets of paper).
One response to “VENUS SATURN SQUARE call for submissions”
Please excuse my excitement, but I saw your call for submissions for your SMUT zine and I Am SSSSSOOOOOOOO interested. I have been writing my own smut/erotica since 2002. And recently have been on want to share or find others whose traffic subversive eroticism. However, is your call limited only for residents in Philadelphia area or are accepting submissions from writer regardless of proximity?
Thank you for your consideration.
Signed, Xain.